Let the Sun Shine In
An Eckermann Heating and Cooling solution can easily be combined with a Solar PV System creating one of the most energy efficient heating and cooling solutions available.
The recent advancement in Heat Pump and PV solar technology means we can now offer a cost-effective solar heating and cooling solution. Our innovative hydronic system integrates seamlessly with PV solar panels providing the ability to completely off set your running costs.
By simply matching an appropriately sized solar PV system with a High Efficiency Heat Pump you can now run an efficient & environmentally friendly heating & cooling system by using energy directly from the sun.
During the day while the house is vacant, rather than exporting your solar PV it can be used to power your heat pump, charging your slab with free heat. Upon returning home, the house is comfortable throughout, and no further electricity usage is needed.
To learn more about our unique solar heating and cooling system see the below videos.